...Add a Little Attitude Please
So far we've just been tossing around the information that is required to be on the card. But remember, a good interface alone doesn't sell card games, so how are these cards supposed to "feel". Yeah, that's right, "feel".
Many people say the thoughest way to begin a painting is with a completely blank canvas...and I admit, at least on some days, they're right. So sometimes rules and restrictions can be a good thing to help focus an idea or concept. Luckly, there were a number of rules and requests laid down.
Although the Dragon Ball GT Trading Card Game was a brand new card game we did have a few guidelines to the look and feel. See, Dragon Ball GT was in many ways an evolution or sequel, to the Dragon Ball Z Collectible Card Game. The problem was, Dragon Ball Z (DBZ) was targeted for a younger audience and as a result the card designs for DBZ were more cartoonish and playful. Dragon Ball GT had an older audience and was described as being "Dragon Ball Z on steroids!".
That may have still been a little vague, but at least it was some place to start. Another key consideration in DBGT is that it takes place several years after DBZ ended and the world around them has naturally evolved to a more futuristic state.
So what are we looking at so far in the 'look-and-feel' department? First, it's an evolution of the Dragon Ball Z game. Secondly, it should look like "Dragon Ball Z on steroids!". And lastly, it should be futuristic.
Next we'll use a little time lapsed writing to review the near completed designs.