Buffy the Vampire Slayer
When Score Entertainment set out to create a collectible card game based on the hit series Buffy the Vampire Slayer they knew there was a loyal following of Buffy fans that would be the most likely prospects for players. The problem was, a large majority of those fans had never played a collectible card game before. Score needed a way to introduce collectible card game elements to new players and market the game prior to it's completed production.
The solution, was to develop a downloadable trivia game that could easily be distributed by fans to other fans throughout the internet.
The game is a simple trivia game at its roots, but it also incorporates strategic elements which are similar to gameplay and decisions that must be made when playing a collectible card game. For starters, two players play the game. One plays the side of good, while the other is evil. Each player selects three characters from a pool of six (for each side). Not only does each character have their own strengths and weaknesses, but certain characters work well as a team. Some characters affect gameplay during your turn, while others foul up your opponent during their turn.
The same symbols and icons were used in the trivia game that appear on the cards to give these potential customers a familiarity to the card game.
There was even a live scoreboard on the card game website that kept track of the top players each week and gave all the players an extra since of competition. They were not only competing against thier immediate opponent, but the rest of the world as well.
- Flash Programming
- Game Design
- Art Direction
My Role