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Cool Game Sites

City of Heroes - My favorite MMO. It's been very good to me over the years.

Kotaku - Decent source of consumer gaming info. Reviews are somewhat iffy.

Gamasutra - Great source for game developers.

Title Screen

Bowling Phase

Word Game Phase

Alphabet Lanes

Spelling and bowling may not be the most apparent of combinations, but that was the idea behind Alphabet lanes. It's one part amazingly successful word game, and one part...bowling. Alphabet Lanes was created as one of the games in a suite for Verizon.

The game begins normal enough as a traditional bowling game. The trick is, each of the 10 pins is associated with a specific letter. As you bowl, if you knock down enough pins you're taken to the second phase of the game

The second part of the game is combing the letters you knocked down bowling into as many words as possible. The longer the word, the higher your score.

Play continues until you've completed all ten frames of the bowling game.

    My Role

  • 3d Modeling/Texturing/Lighting
  • 3d Physics Simulation
  • Art Direction